In partnership with

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Healds Road, Dewsbury, WF13 4HY

01924 462053

St Josephs Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Ofsted & School Performance

Performance Data

To find out more about the school's performance, please click here to visit us on the Government's "Compare School Performance" website.

Statutory Testing Results

2019 Key Stage 2 SATs Results
  • 75% of pupils achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths (National Average = 65%)
  • 94% of pupils achieved the expected standard in Reading (National Average = 73%), with 34% achieving a higher standard (National Average = 27%)
  • 84% of pupils achieved the expected standard in Writing (National Average = 78%), with 22% working at greater depth (National Average = 20%)
  • 91% of pupils achieved the expected standard in Maths (National Average = 79%), with 25% achieving a higher standard (National Average = 27%)
  • 91% of pupils achieved the expected standard in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (National Average = 78%)
  • Average scaled score for Reading = 106 (National Average = 104)
  • Average scaled score for Maths = 107  (National Average = 105)
  • Average scaled score for GPS = 109 (National Average = 106)
  • Average progress score in Reading = -0.2
  • Average progress score in Writing = -1.1
  • Average progress score in Maths = -0.3
2019 Key Stage 1 Results
  • 74% of pupils achieved at least the expected standard in Reading (National Average = 75%)
  • 75% of pupils achieved at least the expected standard in Writing (National Average = 69%)
  • 81% of pupils achieved at least the expected standard in Maths (National Average = 76%)
  • 93% of pupils who took the Year 1 Phonics check achieved a pass (90% of all pupils in year) (National Average = 82%)
  • 100% of pupils who took the Year 2 Phonics re check achieved a pass
  • 77% of pupils achieved a Good Level of Development in Early Years (National Average = 72% 

Leeds Diocese Reports (R.E. Inspections)

SECTION 48 - Jan 2023

SECTION 48 - Nov 2016

Ofsted Reports

St Joseph's Ofsted Monitoring Report June 2021

St Joseph's Ofsted Monitoring Report March 2021

St Joseph's Ofsted Monitoring Report Jan 2019

St Joseph's Ofsted Report Feb 2018

A historical list of Ofsted reports can be found by clicking here.

Ofsted an Parent View