In partnership with

St Joseph's Catholic Primary Academy, Healds Road, Dewsbury, WF13 4HY

01924 462053

St Josephs Catholic Primary Academy

We are proud to work with all the Catholic schools across our two local authority areas, particularly as the Trust grows and benefits from the expertise and knowledge that other schools joining in the future will bring.

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Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission

'Grow, Discover, Achieve in the image of Christ'

What does our Mission mean in reality?

We will grow by:

  • Building an open and welcoming community where each person feels valued;
  • Working together in a supportive way, basing our relationships on mutual respect;
  • Creating a climate that is supportive of all members of our community.

We will discover by:

  • Delivering a curriculum that is relevant, varied, interesting, stimulating, balanced and appropriate to the needs of our community;
  • Providing interesting experiences that foster a sense of awe and wonder for our children;
  • Providing resources fit for 21st Century teaching and learning.

We will achieve by:

  • Fostering positive attitudes to learning and high expectations of all members of our community;
  • Using a variety of teaching approaches that show respect and acceptance of each child's uniqueness;
  • Ensuring that our attitudes and values are transmitted through the curriculum and are consistent with the Catholic faith.

Our School Vision

An irresistible world of discovery and fascination will inspire our community to achieve as innovative, lifelong learners.

We will grow together in a safe, aspirational and encouraging environment, strengthening our relationship with God and with each other through sacrament, service and our shared British Values.

What does our Vision mean in reality?

Irresistible world of discovery and fascination – everyone should be fascinated about something – football, coding, trains, maps, reading. It is the job of school and home to create opportunities for children to discover what it is they really enjoy.

Inspire – everyone in our community should discover something which will inspire them to learn and achieve.

Achieve – no one should leave St. Joseph’s having without their full potential unlocked. 

Innovative – innovation means that we aren’t scared to try new things. We learn through making mistakes. Many of the world’s greatest inventions started with an idea and someone daring enough to try something new.

Lifelong learners – no member of our community should ever stop learning. All should develop a thirst for learning which will be with them forever.

Grow together – we will grow as individuals but our community will also grow

Safe environment – our environment is safe and all who work and learn here can do so without fear.

Aspirational environment – to be aspirational means to aim to be the very best you can be. Set your targets high

Encouraging environment - we will be proud of ourselves and our own achievements but also be proud of what our friends and colleagues achieve, encouraging them to be aspirational and the very best they can be.

Strengthening our relationship with God and with each other – everyone will be given the opportunity grow closer to God and to grow closer to one another – this is the essence of our community and this is how our community will continually grow.

Through sacrament – we will have the opportunity to strengthen our relationship with God as we meet him in the Sacraments

Through service – we will have the opportunity to strengthen our relationship with God and with each other through service – giving freely of our time, skills and resources for the good of others.

Through our shared British values – we will strengthen our relationship with God and with each other through following the school’s Core Values and our shared British Values, values which we can see running through the Gospels and which Jesus continually lived by.


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